Control and measurement systems

AVL Indimicro system for on-line thermodynamic diagnosis of the combustion process in engine and/or vehicles tested under both stationary and transient operation. (Toledo).
Yokogawa data acquisition systems.
High precision AVL flowsonic system for measuring engine inlet air flow under both stationary and transient operation.
High precision AVL fuel flowmeter for testing engines under both stationary and transient operation.
Infrared thermographic camera Gobi-384 GigE for surface thermal characterization.
Environenment system for measuring regulated gaseous emissions NOx, HC, CO and CO2.
On-board portable emission measurement system for measuring regulated gaseous emissions NOx, NO, NO2, HC, CO, CO2 and number of particles emitted by engines and/or vehicles under both stationary and transient operation. (Toledo)
Automatic smoke point lamp for measuring the opacity tendency of fuels (Toledo)

Grupo de Investigación en Procesos Energéticos y Mediambientales

Campus Real Fábrica de Armas

Avda. Carlos III, S/N

45071 - Toledo

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

T: 925 268 800 (ext. 3825)
